Section 2: Skill Point Basics

Skill Point Basics:   (i.e how to learn from the mistakes I made and spend your skill time wisely )

Eve Online is different to almost any other game in that your skills are predominately time based;  i.e real time must pass in order to gain a skill within game,  be it to pilot a ship, to fire missiles more effectively,  to trade across more systems,  to mine,  to use implants,  etcetera.

Early on this is very daunting, with so many options and so many enticing ways to spend your skill points.   If you decide to become an Omega (paid pilot) and use a referral link of another player, you'll gain 250,000 skill points to use selectively,  further to that,  if you're willing to invest some ISK, you can also buy skill injectors that give you 500,000 skill points (up until 10M total) which can be used to accelerate your pathway.

There are some generic skills that every pilot should seek to unlock,  and then there are more functional skills based on the type of ships or type of roles that you want to play.    Understanding this early on, and mapping a course to that given play can be critical to your enjoyment factor.  

Some quick tips
  1. Most importantly:   Skill Points are calculated on an exponential scale,   to get to Level 4 in any given skill point will require only 20% of the total number of skill points required to gain Level 5 - meaning for 20% of the time, you get 80% of the benefit of that skill....  the only areas that this changes are in particular skills that are pre-requisites for other skills,  i.e to fire Tier 2 Light Missiles, I need Light Missile Specialization,  which requires me to gain Level 5 in Light Missiles
  2. There are some key skill points that all pilots should grab as these will assist you in every ship, and every situation of piloting within Eve.
  3. Early on, it's important to think about themes of a pilot - i.e are you going to be an armor tanking brawler who uses guns at close range,  or are you going to be a shield based missile fighter who seeks medium to long range;    knowing this early allows you to plan for the skills you'll need to enact your grand master plan
  4. Skill Point Injectors certainly help;    750M ISK sounds like a lot of money in game, and it is;  but 500,000 skill points early on in the game can unlock so much potential play content for you that for the $10 it cost to buy 250 PLEX - I personally feel it was worth it,  and invested more than one skill point injector to give me a headstart on the type of pilot I wanted to be.   This isn't necessary,  but it does accelerate your pathway to certain ships and certain types
  5. As long as the window of time it takes to train certain skills to be,   you'll quickly come to realise that learning how to fly properly will always take longer still,  especially as you perform different roles, or pilot different ships in the game.
Using a planner, such as EveMon ( can help you plan out your journey towards the type of pilot you want to be.

A good list of basic skills that all pilots should consider can be found at Eve University - through the below

But in general,  identify what sort of pilot you want to be,  plan accordingly and in the early stages,  don't worry about getting to L5 in everything,  get as many things to L3 and L4 as possible as the total amount of time/skill points required is much lower to get you to a highly functional level in game.


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