Section 3: Setting up your overview

Setting up your overview:  (in other words, how do I see what I need to see when I need to see it)

Getting your overview setup is a crucial step to providing you the information you need during fights,  and ensuring that you see only what you need to see, making it easier for you to achieve your goal of smashing faces...

Out of the box, the overview in Eve is quite basic and misses many columns, as well as presents too much information to be useful;    with that in mind,  many corporations will have their own overview settings that they share with new players,   in almost all cases,  these overviews will have some common features

  1. A Targets Only view
    • A view that gives you only those that you should seek to target, particularly in PVP,  removing objects such as Large Colliders, Drones, Friendly Ships, and other non targetable objects
  2. A Drones only view
    • A view that allows you to see all drones currently out on battlefield, vital for being able to see when a drone boat has deployed its drones against you,   and allow you to disable them and effectively render their DPS nullified
  3. A Warpout View
    1. A view that contains only structures, planets or star systems for you to quickly warp towards when in trouble,   giving you an exit plan for either your ship (if you're lucky) or your pod in the event of being blown up
Generally, you'll also have some additional columns setup such as Tag where the Fleet Commander can identify targets for focus fire,   a name/type of ship to allow you to know what and who you're fighting,  and other things such as velocity/transversal velocity to identify how fast the ship is moving compared to yours, and in what relative direction it's moving - don't worry about these things too much to begin with, but as you learn more, they become crucial for planning your attack runs,  and escape runs too. 

A good starting overview can be found at Eve University at - as well as further information on how to setup your own overviews and get the most out of them.


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