Section 6: Terminology Basics

Terminology Basics:  ( i.e I feel retarded for even having to ask... but.. what is a point?  )

Eve being such a long standing, big game,  has its own lingo,  that many pilots simply speak without realising for newcomers, it can be quite daunting,  here are a few of the basics 

Align to:   A command to your vessel ( mapped to “A” key or the first option within your selected target window ) – usually given by fleet commanders to get everyone facing a particular point before warp to ensure all warp together,  or as an exit strategy for hit and run bombers or ranged dealers.

Point:   Warp Disruptor/Scrambler – you’ll hear pilots talk about “putting points on a ship” – this is effectively so this ship cannot escape the battle and can be taken down.

Web: Webifier,   sticky glue on a ship, slowing it’s velocity making it an easier target to hit with weapons

Overheat: A function of your ship modules,  you can choose to overheat particular modules which give them a boost while damaging them slowly and making them require a repair;   in combat situations, this can be a crucial 20% extra DPS, or a crucial extra 20% shield boost per cycle giving you the advantage at key moments;   Fleet Commanders will often call out the need to overheat on particular targets, however each pilot should manage their modules and ensure they’re not burning their modules out entirely

Rep/Repper/Repping:   Armor Repairing, you may hear of some “Dual Rep” ships, which simply means they have two active modules that repair armor,  or in the case of logistics ships, the ability to repair or boost shields.   When fitting a logistic ship, consider your fleet,  are you out with armor tanks, or shield tanks?

Active vs Passive Tanking:   Either inherent passive bonuses within your ship that heal a certain amount of shield/armor per second or active modules that boost the total amount of healing your ship does;    many PVP pits rely on passive + logistic fits,  but for larger vessels, or solo vessels, it’s not uncommon to have active repair

Bump/Nudge:  A tactic used by Eve pilots to approach at speed their opponent, when their opponent may be aligning for a warp point,    successfully executed it can mean the difference between a pilot warping off, and a pilot being able to be pointed and kept in the fight to be destroyed

Neut: A capability of an EWAR ship,  effectively draining the batteries out of other ships making them less effective in fights

Bookmark:  An ability to set locations within a field to warp towards,  good flight commanders will have multiple perches and vantage points with which to assemble the fleet at,   these are critical for fleet operations and will often give the upper hand to a fleet commander


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