Section 7: Making ISK early

Making ISK Early:  (i.e how the hell do I afford anything in this game? ) 

As mentioned previously,  Eve is a massive game with a massive amount of ways to start earning your ISK and being able to afford skill books, ships and ammunition to throw the way of your enemies.    There are any number of ways to generate ISK in game and chances are the ones I've suggested aren't the best ones,  however using the methods below,  I've been able to generate as much as $35M ISK within an hour.

  1. High Sec Mission Running:   
  2. Project Discovery ( Exoplanets )
  3. High Sec Mining
  4. High Sec Exploration
  5. Low Sec Ratting (with friends)
  6. Just buying PLEX....  (i.e I have more IRL money than time, give it to me quick )
Mission Running

Assuming you've taken earlier advice,  completed the tutorial and also all career missions, you'll have a fairly good understanding of what to expect during mission runs;     missions are an effective way of making ISK and as you raise the level of missions you can accomplish (both through new ships and also building standing with agents to get to newer levels) - it can become a lucrative fallback for generating ISK within game.

I prefer Security Missions which generally are "Go here, kill these dudes, return to me" in nature.   At lower levels, you can do these in Tier 1 frigates without breaking a sweat,   as you get towards L3 and L4 you start to uncover more gameplay tactics,  L5 and beyond are fleet level operations.  

A key note:    In almost all circumstances,  looting every vessel on field will not be worth the time it takes until L3/L4 missions;   you will generate more ISK per hour by simply coming, conquering and returning to your agent and going out on the next mission.

A caveat to that,  is that with a Tractor ( deployable unit,  7M - 9M ISK ) - you can drop it at the start of the fight and it will automatically target wrecks and centralise for you, taking all loot into its own container;   these can make looting vessels worth it, particularly from Level 3 upwards

Project Discovery

In the very early stages of Eve Online,  Project Discovery is a no risk way of generating decent portions of ISK for you to spend on ships and skill books.

Project Discovery tasks you with locating potential exoplanets utilising graph data;   there is a comprehensive tutorial explaning the mechanics,  but after a dozen or so attempts you'll soon start to work out how to identify exoplanet transits versus graphs with no transits - accuracy is important here as ultimately,  the amount of ISK (and Project Discovery experience points to unlock skins for sale) will go up the more accuracy you show,   effectively at 20% accuracy,  each Project Discovery phase will provide you 20,000 ISK per run ( which is generally able to be completed between 5 and 30 seconds) - at 70% accuracy, it's 70,000 ISK per run;   meaning that each five minute period can generate a million ISK or more,   bringing you easily to 12M ISK per hour while docked in the station, risking no ships, spending no ammunition and needing no skills.

High Sec Mining & Exploration

As covered via the Career Missions - (Reasonably) low risk endeavour utilisings early stage ships to generate ISK through pounding rocks and selling minerals,  unlocking data node sites and other anomalies,      I lasted about five minutes total in doing this,   but it is a more than valid way at generating income early in the game;      while you can be reasonably assured in high sec at Asteroid Belts and Data sites that someone won't come and gank you,  that's not a given - so keep an eye out on local, keep an eye out on D-Scan and be willing to run ASAP

Low Sec Ratting ( with friends )

Moving towards Low and Null Sec,  the NPC fleets grow in size and therefore potential ISK via loot/bounty.   Each pirate ship you kill comes attached with a bounty meaning the ISK can stack up pretty quickly;   flying with a fleet can mean massive amounts of ISK in short order under the relative safety that flying with a fleet has. 

Just Buy PLEX.

The least elegant option, but for those of us who are time poor;  a small amount of real world investment can unlock a megaload of ISK within game - starting from $10,  you're able to buy 250 PLEX,     500 PLEX is effectively a months worth of in-game Omega account time so many pilots seek to buy this in game as they build empires that generate massive amounts of revenue;   this gives new pilots (or those just willing to take a quicker option to ISK) the ability to sell ISK.

At time of writing, 1 plex was worth approximately 3M ISK - meaning at $10 USD,  you'll be buying approximately 750M ISK.


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